Monday, April 2, 2012

Week 1 April 2 - 8 ; Carb Lovers Diet Phase I The Kickstart

OMG I cannot believe I am doing this. However, since early Autumn 2011 I have been taking advantage of my diagnosis and eating anything that comes within reach. Evolution has actually caused my arms and my tongue to extend beyond their regular reach. I can now lick the bottom of the peanut butter jar and also reach other people's food from across the room. Unfortunately I still only have one stomach and sluggish metabolism. Soooo, here's the deal...

The Carb Lovers Diet:
Seven Day Kickstart Plan: 1200 cals a day, I follow the pre-created menu and should drop about 6 lbs. This phase helps kick the sugar addiction and create rapid weight loss. Both will give more incentive to continue on in a positive fashion. Believe me, if I thought for one second this wasn't going to work I would NEVER pose in a bathing suit and post it here. Every Monday I will post my pics and body stats and totally shame myself. It doesn't matter though because I need your help.

So, here it is: bust 40", waist 36", hips 44.5", weight 161 lbs. God help me...please blur your eyes when looking at the pictures ;o)

Scroll down...





Anonymous said...

Good luck with the diet, Jeannie! You certainly are carrying your weight so well, I think you look great.

Teresa McNutt

Judy said...

All the best on your diet, I did the Atkins diet & lost 25 ish lbs. Once the first week was over it wasn't as hard as I thought. You are very brave to diet on line, I wish I had the guts to. I need to lose aprox 60-70 lbs. I lack will power & incentive, changing hormones at 45 don't help either. I'm cheering you on. Good Luck & Happy Easter!

jjs said...

Ok I think this makes you the bravest woman EVER