Thursday, April 19, 2012

I see lights ahead!

I remember reading about the side effects of radiation and thinking, 'big deal, that will NOT happen to me.' What an asshole. I am so tired that when I am not sleeping I am fantasize about sleeping. When I'm awake I have that dull headache that we get when we didn't get enough sleep. I even dream about sleeping when I am sleeping.

I love the suggestions in the books that we should take no more than a 20 minute nap or ensure we get exercise to combat the fatigue. I dare anyone to suggest that to my face. I would beat them to death with the book, well, warn them that I would beat them with the book in the summer when I can actually lift it over my head. Anyway, enough about that.

My hair is coming in fast and furious. It is lighter and a bit curly. It's very soft. I will soon need a hair cut. It's nice to have hair again.

My breast is quite sore. The nipple is extremely sensitive and the areola is getting very dark. Charred like a baked potato. The skin around that has taken a dimply, orange peel look. The entire breast, which is obviously much smaller because half was loped off in a surgical suite, is actually getting smaller and firmer. I need to hold it going up and down stairs and even the shower stream hitting it hurts like a mother fuc.., er, I mean, hurts a lot. I have been blessed that I have not had any blistering or burning of the skin. That is worth all the icky stuff that has happened.

My periods returned this month, twice to be exact with little more than a week between them. I see Dr. K. next month and will ask to have my hormone levels checked.

All that aside I have seven more rad treatments left. It's going to be very odd when I no longer have to go to the hospital...odd but exciting. It was a bit more of a journey than I expected but the end is so near I can taste it.


PS. Anyone else notice the references to food and eating in that post. LOL


Monica said...

Hi Jeannie. My massage therapist, who volunteers at the Sunshine Room, suggested to me that the 99% aloe gel which Superstore carries is a big relief for radiation therapy. Don't know if it works or not, but she's high on it, and it can't hurt (pun) to try it. I'm starting chemo on Friday and am ready to trot out the door to the chemo course this morning. So much fun. I'm also on a weight loss regimine, and so far have lost 33 lbs, but still a chunk to go. Cheers, Monica

Howpublic said...

Here you about the exhaustion! I decided I wasn't having that - with pretty much the same result you're experiencing. My best trick is falling asleep, sitting on the couch, in the middle of a conversation.
As for the rotten burn - I ordered a 50% aloe/50% shea butter cream with .7% preservative :(and no dye). While I waited for it, I used regular cold pressed sesame oil..and that really did the trick. Aloe is great - but eventually drying. (I don't know how much advice you get, but suspect it's a lot, so sorry to add to the pile)
And yeah...that "only 20 minutes" advice is pretty darn funny, isn't it?
Love the blog - been following for some time now. I wish you a few hours of energy!