Monday, April 23, 2012

Did I mention I have hair

I have hair now.  It's multicoloured and thick and wavy.  It's funny looking.  Here's a recent photo of it.  My last chemo was early January so it didn't take very long to get it all back.  It is only a bit shorter than my usual cut.

My last regular radiation session was today.  I have boosts beginning tomorrow until Friday.  The radiated area will be smaller. I hope it's small enough to leave my poor nipple alone.  It is so sensitive and dry. Other than random pain, much like period boobs, I also get stabbing pains. It's difficult to describe the pain but if you ever jammed your hand in a car door that might give a glimpse.  The stabbing likes to surprise me and pop up when I least expect it. You know what I mean. Like when I'm pouring milk or talking to the bank on the phone. That is rare though.  Most of the time it is just a dull ache.  Not even worth taking a Tylenol. Other than that I am as tired as I have ever been.  I appreciate the e-mails and comments I have been receiving.  I will reply, I promise.  I have to go to sleep now before I start sleep-writing. 


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