Wednesday, April 4, 2012

I have a sore boob

So today I completed my fifth rad treatment (25% or 1/4 completed)...only 15 more to go. I am feeling great. I need to nap every day because I'm sooo tired. My little breast is sore. It feels like period boob. It looks like cottage cheese. I don't recall reading or hearing about cottage cheese boob but I am sure it is normal.

So here is a recap:
~ my hair is growing very fast. I am a chia pet. We cannot identify the colour. It is a mix of blonde, grey, silver, white and brown. It is soft like baby hair. As for the rest of my body, well, all that came back fast and furious as well. No ambiguity about the colour there.

~ still trying to figure out the cup size of my baby boob. It's small but not small enough. I want 'Kate Hudson' breasts. Okay, and maybe her ass and tummy. I'm only 50 lbs away from that goal.

~ the diet is going well. I am losing one pound a day so far. I love the food and get to eat a piece of toast every morning if I wish...and a bananas and cheese. Yay!

~ I had a great time in the Dominican. Drank from 10 until 6 every day and went to bed early every night except my last night. That was not my smartest decision...the staying up part, not the drinking part. That didn't hurt at all.

~ I haven't had a period in months and my happy heart is also reacting a bit to the hormone change. I am actually feeling a bit moody and I don't like that. I didn't even think to give thanks before I got outta bed this morning. I have to really focus on happy which is odd.

~ I removed all my clothes from my bedroom except the few things I can actually wear. My wardrobe is very limited but I like having few options. I am not exaggerating if I said that between Hannah and I we disposed of hundreds of items. So sad to have so much. Never again!

~ at this moment I would have unprotected sex in the middle of Charlotte Street - at lunchtime - with an AIDS infected leper in exchange for a warm brownie with ice cream if it was less than 100 calories.


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