Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Well...that was a little more than I asked for

Yesterday, October 17, 2011 I had my first appointment at the Cape Breton Cancer Center.  Deborah's mother Anita came with me.  I met with a very nice receptionist first then spent a bit of time with an oncology nurse named Beth.  We went over my entire life...again....and I gave her every piece of information that I gave to my surgeon and the pre-admission clinic...again.  Everything was going very well.  I was actually a bit nervous.  I felt like I had too much caffeine in my system.  All I knew at this time was the doctors name.  Dr. Kian Khodadad is his name.  Guess what we did when he came in?  You'll  never guess so I will tell you.  We went over my life history...again.  Then he examined and me, and God bless him, he warmed his hands first.  Anyhow, I will cut to the chase.  I have decisions to make. Here are the options:
  • Chemotherapy:  administered every three weeks over a 15 week period
  • Radiation:  administered five days a week over a 4 - 5 week period
  • Hormone Therapy:  one pill a day for five years
  • Combination Therapy:  all three
Here is a stat breakdown
  • Women who choose no therapy: 25 will relapse and 75 will be alive and cancer free in 10 years
  • Out of the 25 that can relapse here is the advantage of treatment
    • Hormone Therapy alone  16-18 women will relapse; 7-9 alive and cancer free in 10 years
    • Chemotherapy alone  17-19 relapse; 6-8 alive and cancer free in 10 years
    • Combined therapy  10-14 women will relapse; 11-15 alive and cancer free in 10 years
Now, we need to remember that these stats are based on the 25% of woman that relapse, of which I may not even fall into.  However, due to my age and my family history he suggests that I remain aware that this number exists.  I am unsure if radiation is a factor in those stats.  I will ask him Friday. 

Also, my HER2 test came back inconclusive.  It was sent to Halifax for retesting.  If that comes back positive it will require additional therapy.  Apparently two years worth administered once a week via the vein at the hospital.  Pray that comes back negative for f*#k sake.  I hate needles.

So, I have until Friday to decide on my fate.  He wouldn't wait until I come back from Toronto at the end of the month.  They are always in a hurry.  Apparently there are other people who need to use the cancer center too - pffft....whatever.   

Anyhow, I may need a wig and a shitload of Imodium and diapers so gather them up if you see any floating around. As a germaphobe I am also looking for a large hampster ball so I can avoid touching or breathing others germs but still continue to mingle.  Just throwing that out for all you folks who want to do nice things for me but don't know what to do.  So with that, I'm getting back to work before I'm fired :o)  LOL - good luck with that Chris.

Cheers everyone


Shelly said...

Hey babe.
Funny, I had a dream about you last night and then this morning in my in box this email.
Just read your latest update. That is a lot to take in. I was fortunate not to have that many choices.I will pray for no needles since you hate them so.
Now as for your requests I have both diapers and a hamster ball but I don't think either will fit you! ;-)
You are so strong that there is no doubt in my mind that you will instinctively make the right decision for your body and mind. Good luck, lots of love and keep us informed.
If you send me your address I have new pics of Q I can send you!

Anonymous said...

You are strong and beautiful and full of life (and maybe a bit of piss and vinegar). Your cheerleaders are always behind you.
Take care and know that we love you!
Rose, Norma and the boys

Anonymous said...

Mom had Stage 4 Breast Cancer
It was also found in the lymph nodes
THAT WAS 11 1/2 years ago!
Survivor oh yeah baby!!!
She saw Dr. MacCormack too, he is awesome and Dr. Pahill as well!
True it they are all awesome and so supportive over there!
Anyway the treatment Mom had was adriomycin spelling??? And a red small bag! She didn't throw up once! Felt like it I am sure at times but got along really well. She was 55 years old. Also after that she received 25 rounds of Radiation. She did great!
She lost her hair but she looked awesome. You have a beautiful face and lots of spunk use it girlfriend.
Remember I can proudly say my Mom is a survivor!!!
Love, Michelle Stewart Cartwright
Ps. She doesn't like pink either lol

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah
She did the Tamoxifen thing too! Not so bad!
She took Evening Primose Oil
Michelle Stewart
Give me a ding sometime