Me, Me, Me

I'm just a steel-town girl on a Saturday night, looking for the fight of her life, in the real time world no one sees her at all, They all say she's crazy...oh wait, never mind. That was actually Jennifer Beals. I do, however, live in a post-steel-town, well a city actually, and while I wasn't looking 'for the fight of my life' I managed to stumble upon one.

When I was 40 years old I was diagnosed with breast cancer. To ensure my family and friends were kept up to date on my progress, trestments and demands for love and attention I created this Blog. It has since become one of the most important, popular literary pieces of non-fiction being read in North America. With all the hype surrounding me you would think I may have become a bit conceited. Please know that I am still a basic commoner and actually very humbled by the attention. With that being said please note that from now on all calls from my friends should actually flow through my personal assistant who will contact my publisist and she will pass the message on to me. Thank you for your anticipated cooperation with this matter.

At present, January 2012, I am still undergoing treatment and expect to make a full recovery.