Thursday, September 29, 2011

Just another day in Paradise

Good morning everyone! Today I am not leaving the house. I was very sore last night and actually had to take Tylenol. I did too much yesterday (again) and felt very bad by 8ish. I was quite pathetic and weepy and that is not my nature. Crying isn't my thing.

I did reward myself with new sheets yesterday. 650 thread count...all washed and smelling like a combination of new born babies, heaven and puppy breath. I can't wait to make my bed and sleep in it tonight! Did I already mention that I bought a gorgeous white cotton quilt. Yay!

By the way, I understand that the photos of my breast are very alluring and practically pornographic but please view them respectfully. I am sure all you filthy minded viewers could find a photo of a naked breast on the Internet if you look very hard. You may even find one where you can see a nipple, or a pair of breasts.  Better yet, you may find some that are not 40 years old, spent 2.5 years feeding a child, bruised and scarred. If you need help just let me know...(yup sarcasm intended).

If you didn't book your mammogram yet....please do so! It's bad enough we have to write and read my shitty blog about cancer. Let's be proactive and prevent cancer...hence, bad blogging .

Hugs and kisses to you all. Thank you again for all the constant prayers, warm thoughtful messages and love I receive from you every day. I don't respond to everyone but read and listen to everything. I love you all.


1 comment:

Maura (Meade) said...

Hi Jeannie,

Not sure if you even remember me, but I have been following your blog since I heard of your battle. What an incredible attitude and perspective you have! A real inspiration to those who share your path.
Way to go! Kick cancer's ass. If fear ever creeps in, come back here and read your own words. True, honest, dignified and the most healing of them all... humerous